Another New Blog - Hello World

Why am I writing a blog?

I've been thinking about doing this for over a year, but I wasn't sure what I wanted the specific format and content to look like. Now feels like the right time.

I have four specific reasons and/or thoughts about doing this:

  1. Capture my thoughts. I have a lot of thoughts that run through my mind, and although I've been journaling more frequently, this gives me a more public forum to share thoughts with others.

  2. Explain new ideas. I tend to live near the edge of new/better ways of doing things, which are often times contradictory to mainstream beliefs and opinions, and people seem to value my opinions on various topics. For these reasons, I end up having the same conversations multiple times - whether about diet and nutrition, health and fitness, technology and efficiency, goals and processes, or whatever else. This will give me an opportunity to write it down once (with links to articles and videos), and share it with multiple people.

  3. Control my online profile. I have Facebook and Instagram accounts, but I rarely open them, and I post even less frequently than that. I find them unproductive and unhealthy - both for us as individuals and for us as a county. But since I don't use them, and I haven't blogged in a few years, I've lost control over my "online presence". This will give me a place to express ideas (and even share experiences and photos) without relying on social media.

  4. No goals for growth. I don't have any deeper motives here. No plans for monetization, readership, influencer status, or anything else like that. There won't even be comments enabled. This is simply a place to think out loud and share my opinions / thoughts / experiences with people who might find them interesting.

Here’s step one in the next thousand-mile journey.

- Chris Butterworth


Hiking the Grand Canyon 2023


Blog Post Title One