Action beats inaction
ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth

Action beats inaction

I used to run early in the morning. The plan was simple: alarm goes off at 5:00, roll out of bed, pull on some clothes (which were sitting by the door), and go - regardless of the weather. Rain, wind, cold, dark, whatever - just get out the door.

I had to win the…

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I’ll take the assist
ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth

I’ll take the assist

I love sports, and have for as long as I can remember. All sports too - anything where one team (or individual) is trying to impose their will upon another.

I love how a competitive team environment encapsulates everything from life in general - physical attributes, practice and dedication, the mental side - being able and willing…

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Improving from the good and the bad
ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth

Improving from the good and the bad

When you work as a consultant, you get to see the inner workings of a lot of different companies. There’s always plenty to learn from and to help you grow.

Some things as simple as how somebody runs a meeting (which could be a good or a bad thing), to the tools the team uses, to the interactions…

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SMART goals are dumb
ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth ButterOnPoint Chris Butterworth

SMART goals are dumb

SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

What is the end purpose of setting a specific, measurable, time-bound goal? You wouldn't set out to accomplish something that you don't want to do, right? And does the activity stop once you've achieved the goal?

Probably not.

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