Chris Butterworth

Hello and welcome to my website. I’m using this space to pull information from my various interests, hobbies, and endeavors together into one place.

Try hard. Be friendly. Have fun.

This was a phrase we spoke often while raising our two boys. I think it encompasses most of life: Give your best effort, treat people right, and have some fun along the way, and you’ll end up on the plus side of the ledger most of the time.

Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say…

Coming soon: Introducing Project BetterLife

Living Independently, Together.

A project geared towards helping adults with autism live their best possible life.

Independence and Communication work on a sliding scale, but the desire to live life to the fullest is universal.

We change lives by assuming competence, facilitating communication, and helping people live as independently as possible - however much and in whatever fashion that looks like.

Continuous Improvement. Compounding your gains. Constancy of purpose. Kaizen. Consistent best effort. Never miss a day. Embrace the grind. Slow and steady.

Whatever you want to call it - There’s no better way to make long-term improvements than to get a little better each day. Day after day, week after week, month after month.

Big success doesn’t show up out of the blue; he wants enough little successes already there so he can feel important.

Project Management

Nobody can move a mountain - it’s impossible. Except that’s not true - anybody can move a mountain.

What if you had truckloads of gravel dropped on the side of your driveway? It’s a mountain of gravel! And yet any of us is able to move a little bit from one side of the driveway to the other. Maybe a wheelbarrow full, or a bucket, or even a small pail. Eventually, if you consistently move one little bit at a time, you will have moved a mountain from one side of your driveway to the other.

Now, if you want to move the mountain faster, or move a bigger mountain, or move it further away - that’s a different story. Can you use a larger wheelbarrow, or a tractor? Are you willing to make multiple trips per day, or work late into the night? When does it need to be moved? Do you have a group of people willing to help?

There are many pathways to success. The best pathway will vary for each unique mountain.

Mind. Body. Spirit.

But mostly Body.

In your 50s, that feeling of jumping out of bed in the morning - full of energy and ready to take on the world, gets replaced with something more like “Oh crap, another day already? Why is getting out of bed so much work?”

Healthy Butter

Thinking out loud about programming for longevity and how we can age pain-free.

Alternative and Functional-Fitness equipment, such as Kettlebells, aren’t as simple as “Do 3 sets of 10.” Heavy Clubs and Steel Maces are even more complicated to get right.

I’ve put a lot of hours into figuring these things out; this gives me a chance to share what I’ve learned.

Draft - The remainder of this page remains under construction

Need sections for ThePhoenixAgents, 8DollarFarming, FitnessGazette, and Family Photos